
Showing posts from November, 2019

It all started with a Turkey

In my quest to figure out how I became so unafraid... one of my very first memories is of being terrified. I was at my Aunt Bill's house.. standing at the screen door,  wanting to go outside but afraid because she had a huge Turkey that would chase you all over the yard. I was somewhere around three.   The image of the screen door and the view outside are burned in my mind. I  remember my parents yukking it up with  me that I would be fine, the Turkey doesn't eat little girls. I have no recollection if I went outside to face that Turkey or not.. but I do know my parents were going to let me walk out into a yard , with an aggressive Turkey.  If you have ever been around turkeys..they can be huge weird jerks.  There are alot of videos on google anymore to attest to this. I think that was the start of how my parents built me to get past my fear.    They acknowledged my fear and told me I could handle it .. without getting up and moving towards me or taking me outside wit

Laid Off ! February 2019 to Today

In February of this year,  I was laid off from a job that  1. I was truly good at   2. I absolutely loved .  Looking back on the last 9 months, I cannot remember a whole lot that was said except one man in my office.. who I will admit was not a huge fan of me , looked me straight in the face and said " well , I can state without a doubt you are the most fearless person I have ever met."  This statement didn't actually resonate with me at the time,  I took my severance with my mind yelling at me ,  "Well, Woman,  at 45 what are you going to do now " ?    It wasn't until I had replaced a window at home, built a baby garden, started a business with manufacturing all over the world that those words hit home. It was in August when all my clothing from my new business was arriving that I thought of his statement.   In those 6 months , with the support of my husband,  it never occurred to me  that I couldn't do any of the things that I jumped int